
The Association was born to implement a constant dissemination and promotion of prevention through some health’s and educational initiatives.

Health’s Village focuses its energies and its resources primarily on two major objectives:

specialist visits and inspections in order to prevent and detect risks to the health of citizens
dissemination of a culture of prevention that encourages changes in lifestyle in order to obtain a person’s overall well-being (through education, information and communication issues related to prevention and wellness concept linked to lifestyles healthy).

The Health’s Village provides for the establishment of a true ” Field Clinic” dedicated to the prevention, in which interested citizens can be visited, may receive ultrasounds and x-rays (mammography in particular for the prevention of breast cancer) and informed about the health risks and good practices to be implemented to facilitate the appearance of disease.

The Village can be set up during large events or at the request of public and / or individuals wishing to promote a culture of prevention and to offer citizens the opportunity to control their own health.

The Association’s activities are carried out exclusively voluntary and are based on the conclusion of agreements and partnerships with public and private in order to reach the largest possible number of citizens and realize concretely the principle of subsidiarity which sees the voluntary sector in the front line to guarantee services and assistance to the community..