Show, music, readings and many videos for the presentation of Campusdario 2021 (click here to watch it again), the calendar of solidarity and health promoted as every year by the Campus Salute organized by Professor Annamaria Colao and lawyer Tommaso Mandato aired live streaming on social pages Facebook and Instagram thanks to the collaboration with photos Ema is presented by Flavio Sly and Chiara Del Gaudio.
Maurizio de Giovanni moved with his readings along with the sax by Marco Zurzolo, as well as Emilia Zamuner performed in the classical Neapolitan song. But as always, there were many protagonists of the city of Naples who offered their time for this great solidarity initiative that is part of a health prevention project. Those who did not intervene live still sent their video greeting and so all the protagonists of the two calendars, one of men and the other of women, participated in the social initiative also with the backstage videos of the photographic sets characterized by the words of great characters in the history of humanity.
Luisa Amatucci, Paolo Caiazzo, Gigi e Ross, Enzo De Caro, Maurizio de Giovanni, Rosaria De Cicco, Chiara Del Gaudio, Lello Esposito, Carmen Giannattasio, Alessandro Incerto, Francesca Maresca, Patrizio Oliva, Patrizio Rispo, Gino Rivieccio, Monica Sarnelli, Nunzia Schiano, Emilia Zamuner, Marco Zurzolo, Annamaria Colao, Massimiliano Gallo, Tommaso Mandato, Antonella Stefanucci, Cristina Donadio, Gioia Spaziani, Giorgia Gianetiempo, Maurizio Aiello.
These are the names of the faces on the pages of Campusdario 2021 immortalized in the author photos of Annalisa Carbone. Every month is characterized by useful tips to address this difficult period in health.
“We carefully watch the power supply during the emergency at COVID-19. The new pandemic caused by the coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) has caused over 200 thousand deaths in Europe. The presence of some chronic obesity diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic lung disease and cardiovascular disease are factors that aggravate COVID-19, as they make the immune system weaker,” explains Annamaria Colao, President of the Campus and holder of the Cattedra UNESCO for Health Education and Sustainable Development.
“Diet can be a mitigation strategy to support immune function that can influence the outcomes of respiratory infections from COVID-19 infection. Let us remember our heritage: the Mediterranean Diet. This is characterized by a relatively high dietary intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes, extra green olive oil, whole grains, nuts and minimally processed monounsaturated fats, followed by a low/moderate consumption of fermented dairy products, fish, poultry, red wine and, finally, a low consumption of red and processed meat, has strong anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antithrombotic and antioxidant properties”, Annamaria Colao, director of the UOC of Endocrinology at the Policlinico della Federico II in Naples, who for the next year also announced the calendar dedicated to adolescents.
There are many initiatives of the Campus3S Project in this period: from “Special Campus3s” to “Christmas Solidarity”. During the last weekends, the Prevention activities of Campus3s continued with the provision of free visits and diagnostic examinations at private medical facilities and centres partner of the Project.
In addition, in these days there will be a campaign of collection and distribution of gifts to be delivered to disadvantaged families from Pompeii where they will be supported members of the Family Houses of the Sancturay of Pompe, with the synergy of the main sponsor Givova.