We will send the calendar to all those who make a donation to our association equal or greater and € 15 (for printing costs plus shipping costs) in combination with a gadget GIVOVA.
How to make a donation click here
To request the calendar please write to info@campussalute.it
This calendar was created with the aim of facilitating the understanding and knowledge of the basic principles on primary and secondary prevention of major chronic diseases. Campus Salute Onlus, president Annamaria Colao, and the strategic project Campus 3S {Health Sport Solidarity), president avv. Tommaso Mandato, for 10 years they have been bringing free prevention on the italian squares.
With Campusdario, month by month, they want to help all citizens stay healthy by providing them with the information and tools to be put in place with simplicity. The calendar is divided into a WOMEN section and a MEN section because prevention necessarily has some aspects that are gender-specific. A special thanks to all our friends who have given their precious time, have lent their face and have helped us in every way so that the suggestions could reach as many as possible.
To paraphrase Fedor Dostoevski, it will not be beauty that will save the world, as Prince Miskin says in the Idiot, but it will be science. Science will save the world.
To review the presentation of the calendar, held on social on 19th dicember 2020 click here