The Campus Salute of Benevento has been successful. It is developed near the Liceo Classico Giannone in piazza Risorgimento. In 19 and 20 November, in fact, the school is turned into a hospital with numerous clinics where the citizens have received free visits. The doctor Itala Ventre and the prof.ssa Maria Teresa Consales have coordinated the activity of the physicians. Have participated “Ordine dei Medici” di Benevento, Benevento Asl, Azienda Ospedaliera Rummo, Fatebenfratelli Hospital, the volunteers of the Red Cross, of the Rotary, of the Mercy and of the Inner local Wheel to spread the culture of the prevention in this two days. The voluntary students with the prof.ssa Isabella Leoni has supported the team of our association and them have entertained the citizens with useful suggestions to have a style of life healty. The mayor of Benevento Clemente Mastella and the archbishop Felice Accrocca have been present during the two days. Thanks to prof.ssa Norma Fortuna Pedicini for the support that she has given to the project.