We greeted 2019 with the presentation of our project that enters the homes of you that always follow us: the Campusdario labeled Campus Salute, to give you very important daily prevention pills. The calendar devised by Professor Annamaria Colao, gave us the ability, unknowingly, to be close to you even in this difficult time that kept us all at home, but it absolutely did not stop us.
Many friends have decided to espouse this initiative and participate in this project. Among the topics addressed so far, Gioia Spaziani and Thomas Mandato in January explained the importance of proper nutrition and keeping fit daily, habits that we should all have in our routine.
In February, Isa Danieli, Luisa Amatucci, Giorgia Gianetiempo and Lello Esposito explained the importance of prevention of breast and prostate cancer.
Spring opened in March together with Chiara del Gaudio and Gino Rivieccio who told us about respiratory and metabolic diseases, prevention and advice to control them. In April and May, we were accompanied by Rosaria De Cicco, Enzo Decaro, Carmen Giannattasio and Marco Zurzolo with hot topics such as thyroid diseases, liver, cardiovascular and respiratory complications.
In June, Maurizio Aiello and Antonella Stefanucci are waiting for us. What are they going to tell us?
Follow us on our social media to find out!
Prevention is important and must also be done in everyday life, but we are ready to see each other again in the streets. Our minds have not stopped, indeed, we are gathering ideas and we are recharging the batteries to organize more events, always in the name of prevention!